Luck is what people call randomness when they don’t know what to call it.
Aphorism No. 272
Most assets are liabilities in waiting.
Aphorism No. 271
Almost everything you need to know you can learn by listening to Led Zeppelin.
Aphorism No. 270
There is always another option.
Aphorism No. 269
Regret is a self-imposed tax on people who want more money.
Aphorism No. 268
One home run is worth more than three walks.
Aphorism No. 267
Money is made. Wealth is created.
Aphorism No. 266
Risk is less about probability and more about avoidability.
Aphorism No. 265
There are countless ways to fail but few to succeed.
Aphorism No. 264
If something has a one percent chance of happening, it’s not rare.