The worst mistakes are those with no price tags.
Aphorism No. 605
From now until the end of time, you will never be younger than you are today.
Aphorism No. 604
To the unforeseen, no difference exists between the blind and the unlucky.
Aphorism No. 603
Walking on water is less about how much you weigh and more about how well you swim.
Aphorism No. 602
Some people are stars. Most are the emptiness of space. A few are black holes.
Aphorism No. 601
The insignificant can still inspire.
Aphorism No. 600
Under certain circumstances, killing a man might be called for. Making him dig his own grave never is.
Aphorism No. 599
Each of us is still a small child, not in our own minds or inner selves but in the memories of those who knew us in our youth, and only when they forget us — only if they cease to remember us — do our childhoods finally die.
Aphorism No. 598
One can go a long way through life without being none the wiser for never reading “The Waste Land.”
Aphorism No. 597
Every month a new moon emerges, waxes, and wanes — but it always is the same. The only difference is how we see it.