Everyone has gods, a few for worship, the rest for derision.
Aphorism No. 737
Incomplete information is a permanent problem.
Aphorism No. 736
Only after living in a house can one know if one should buy it.
Aphorism No. 735
Inspiration is the means through which we rediscover what we forgot.
Aphorism No. 734
Every large expensive meal is paid for twice.
Aphorism No. 733
If you predict the end of the world, you need to be right only once.
Aphorism No. 732
The pilot who can’t land a plane with engines off is not a pilot.
Aphorism No. 731
Water is more useful than wine.
Aphorism No. 730
Eventually we all wear green.
Aphorism No. 729
Not enough dogs exist for all the great dog names in the world.