If the journey is long enough, time always travels in the company of chaos.
Aphorism No. 306
Not all choices are options.
Aphorism No. 305
Every game has rules, and everything is a game.
Aphorism No. 304
Lottery tickets and insurance plans are versions of the same lunacy.
Aphorism No. 303
Repetition is discipline.
Aphorism No. 302
To live 60 great years and 10 good years is better than to live only 60 great years.
Aphorism No. 301
No one is ever lost in a labyrinth.
Aphorism No. 300
We are what we do.
Aphorism No. 299
If people never died, there would be no need for babies.
Aphorism No. 298
Those who revisit the past can never live in the future.