Two people is a partnership. Three people is an army.
Aphorism No. 296
Regardless of whatever you think the odds are, avoid all scenarios in which the worst case outweighs the best case.
Aphorism No. 295
The primary prerequisite for success is an unrealistic combination of hubris and humility.
Aphorism No. 294
Reality is the version of your imagination you choose to manifest.
Aphorism No. 293
If you’re not from the Northeast, don’t tell New Englanders that your autumn is better than theirs. Don’t compete where you can’t win, and don’t compete for something that doesn’t matter.
Aphorism No. 292
You can always find a reason not to do what you should do.
Aphorism No. 291
Picking up dog shit is something you do if you have a dog.
Aphorism No. 290
Importance is an assumption.
Aphorism No. 289
Sometimes the fantasy is more real than reality.
Aphorism No. 288
Every question is an answer. Every answer is the question to another answer.