If you’re afraid to fail, you’re also scared to succeed.
Aphorism No. 256
If people want to call a firefly a lightning bug, let them.
Aphorism No. 255
Most instances of innovation are failures.
Aphorism No. 254
The primary exceptional quality in most people is the extent to which they believe they are exceptional.
Aphorism No. 253
A wisdom-of-the-crowd approach works only if the crowd is a market and not a mob.
Aphorism No. 252
If you have more arguments than sex, you should evaluate your life.
Aphorism No. 251
Doctors are experts at making healthy patients sick.
Aphorism No. 250
Practitioners are better teachers than are professors.
Aphorism No. 249
If you tell people an unbelievable lie, you insult them three times by letting them know that you don’t think they 1) deserve the truth, 2) possess the intelligence to see you’re lying, and 3) merit the effort and time necessary to construct a better lie.
Aphorism No. 248
If you can see something coming, it has already happened.