If you have a lot of friends, most of them are probably liabilities.
Aphorism No. 206
For 97% of people, their lives are better than their grandparents’ lives were.
Aphorism No. 205
In theory, tomorrow is more important than today. In practice, today is the most important day of your life.
Aphorism No. 204
Successful people have two attributes in abundance: Wisdom and will. Wisdom is the ability to know what you can change and what you can’t. Will is the power to change what you can for better.
Aphorism No. 203
Control your illusions.
Aphorism No. 202
A scar is the sign of survival.
Aphorism No. 201
If you really understand the difference between deodorant and antiperspirant, you know all you need to live.
Aphorism No. 200
The first Rambo movie is about a white guy who wages a one-man war against an abusive police department right after he learns that his black friend has died.
Aphorism No. 199
For most propositions, whoever is willing to bet a higher percentage of net worth is right.
Aphorism No. 198
If you want to change your life, don’t do today what you did yesterday.