One home run is worth more than three walks.
Aphorism No. 267
Money is made. Wealth is created.
Aphorism No. 266
Risk is less about probability and more about avoidability.
Aphorism No. 265
There are countless ways to fail but few to succeed.
Aphorism No. 264
If something has a one percent chance of happening, it’s not rare.
Aphorism No. 263
The price of a lottery ticket is equal to the odds of winning a fortune plus the premium of imagining you might soon be rich.
Aphorism No. 262
Home-field advantage means more in war than sports.
Aphorism No. 261
It’s both easy and impossible to exceed expectations when you don’t have any.
Aphorism No. 260
Your happiness is determined by where you’ve been just as much as by where you are.
Aphorism No. 259
Soulmates are made, not found.