If you want to change your life, don’t do today what you did yesterday.
Aphorism No. 197
What makes something a weapon isn’t what it’s made out of or what it does but who’s using it.
Aphorism No. 196
For most people in most wars, survival is victory.
Aphorism No. 195
The worst enemies are often former allies.
Aphorism No. 194
The more places you’ve lived, the more openminded you’re likely to be.
Aphorism No. 193
A bad captain can sink the strongest ship.
Aphorism No. 192
Just once in your life eat the entire pie. But only once.
Aphorism No. 191
Never trust someone who has not read Harry Potter.
Aphorism No. 190
The shorter the life expectancy, the easier is “till death do us part.”
Aphorism No. 189
Don’t ever sing the words “rape and murder” unless you sound like Merry Clayton.