There’s a difference between winning a bet and getting paid.
Aphorism No. 187
Penguins are evidence both for and against the existence of God.
Aphorism No. 186
Leaders listen.
Aphorism No. 185
If you’re the third person in a threesome, don’t spend the night.
Aphorism No. 184
Having money won’t make you happy, but not having it will make you miserable.
Aphorism No. 183
Dance alone. Dance often.
Aphorism No. 182
Expected value matters less than range of outcomes and risk tolerance.
Aphorism No. 181
The most unrealistic part of Harry Potter is not the magic, and it’s not that good triumphs over evil. It’s that Hermione marries Ron and is still married to him 19 years after Deathly Hallows.
Aphorism No. 180
It’s better to learn from someone else’s failures than your own.
Aphorism No. 179
When everybody’s a loser, the winner is the one who loses least.